SpeedX Lube
Blog on the current Cycling Journal edition
Blog on the current Cycling Journal edition
CorrosionX and CorrosionX Heavy Duty have their origins in Aviation and the Military. Strangely enough, the extreme performance called for in large weapon systems makes them so incredibly suitable for the use in the paper industry as well. Heat resistance, lubrication values, resistance to chemicals like Peroxide, thin film performance, corrosion protection values and extreme […]
I fly a home built 250 size racing Quadcopter in New Zealand. It used to be that a crash in wet grass or a puddle with this little beast could easily mean the loss of an electronic motor speed controller or any one of the other onboard electronic components. Since I started to use CorrosionX […]
We are happy to advise that RCMN will from now on act as the master distributor for CorrosionX products into the Norwegian RC market. Looking forward to work with Reinar and his team so that CorrosionX becomes as popular and easily available to the RC market as in many other parts of the world. From […]
Kiwivelo in Auckland, known to carry only the best of products, now has SpeedX on the shelf. Leading manufacturers of bikes and bike-components are testing SpeedX and you will find high end shops over the next weeks offering SpeedX. Riders interested in extreme lubrication performance and reliability will be the first ones to go for […]
CorrosionX products are way better known to the aviation industry, defence forces, electrical companies and the ports than to bike riders. Wanting to add SpeedX to our range of products offered to the NZ and Australian market we started to search for available data of the competition as to toxicity, lubrication factor, corrosion protection, dielectric […]