CorrosionX on NZ Quadcopter
I fly a home built 250 size racing Quadcopter in New Zealand. It used to be that a crash in wet grass or a puddle with this little beast could easily mean the loss of an electronic motor speed controller or any one of the other onboard electronic components. Since I started to use CorrosionX , this has not been a problem.
I use CorrosionX for lubrication of the motors too because the product enhances performance and keeps the rust off the motor shafts and bearings. Cleaning old, hard grease off the motors is a thing of the past for me because CorrosionX never gunks up.
I also have a Splashdrone waterproof machine which is designed for fishing and working over water. The motors are exposed to the elements and I use CorrosionX to protect and lubricate them. I have also applied CorrosionX to the internal electronics just in case it leaks and gets water inside. I am confident this will protect them as I have seen video of a small helicopter treated with CorrosionX actually flown out of a fish tank.
Working in the auto electrical and automotive trades I have tried many products before and find CorrosionX works best for me.
Gerard Stam, Northland, New Zealand